
Airframe Designs was tasked by GVH Aerospace to help with the design, development and certification of a multi weapon mount. The objective was to certify the weapon mount to meet the customers specified military airworthiness requirements and the civil airworthiness regulations.

Finite Element Modelling (FEM)

A static strength assessment of the design was done using MSC NASTRAN Finite Element Code. The finite element models were built to represent the design in both a stowed position and a deployed position.

Weapon Mount On the side of a helicopter
Stress Analysis of Weapon Mount

Testing and Fatigue Assessment

Through the use of FEM results and hand calculations, the design was properly tested to ensure the parts were sized correctly for the design criteria. Upon prototype manufacture, a static test was completed and reported on. Pass and fail criteria were assessed during and after the testing to ensure that compliance was achieved.

A Mean Time Between Failure fatigue assessment was completed as to ensure the design possessed the required durability whilst experiencing recoil loaded from fired weapons.

Allowable Damage Assessment

A damage assessment was carried out to find the level of damage or material loss which would be acceptable during service. This assessment fed into the instructions for continued airworthiness and was used to advise the allowable damage limits and repair instructions.

Through detailed Design and Analysis, AFD showcased exceptional technical expertise and skill, delivering a high standard for the customer. Click the link to read the full case study.

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