Meet Tom
My name is Thomas Shaw, and I am a Graduate Stress Engineer at AFD. I studied Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Salford. My job as a stress engineer entails structurally substantiating designs and repairs from a wide range of sectors using FEM and traditional hand calculations.
Since Studying, I knew I wanted to work in the structural analysis sector. Since AFD provides excellent guidance and support for graduate engineers I felt I would fit in with the team.
The work at AFD is fast paced and varied meaning I could accelerate my knowledge and experience. During my projects I have had the opportunity to visit customers and work closely with them on leading edge technology.
Living close to the Sea.
Learning to apply what I have learned to real situations that continuously change.
I used to compete in bouldering competitions.
Make sure you have a drive to progress your career.
Meet James
I joined Airframe Designs as a MEng Materials Engineering graduate from Loughborough University in September 2018, originally from London. I held a specialist role as Fatigue & Damage Tolerance Lead Engineer before progressing to Senior Stress Engineer. In this role I support graduate Engineers, deliver training, and assist with managing projects and winning new work.
I have a passion for aviation and the structural aspect of engineering became a strength throughout my studies, which was ideal to meet AFD’s core capabilities. I also wanted to gain experience in Finite Element Analysis, which I now use extensively.
The work is varied, I am able to make significant contributions to projects and interface directly with a range of clients. Highlights include site visits for various structural tests and gaining Incorporated Engineer status with the Royal Aeronautical Society. Every day is a school day!
I love the fresh seaside air and local scenery such as the Lake District.
Much of the theory provided in academia isn’t required in industry – the skill lies in simplifying real-world scenarios and communicating these concisely. In industry, deliverables and timescales can shift, which adds a pressure I wasn’t used to in university.
I hold a black belt in Taekwondo.
Your hard work will be recognised and never be afraid to ask for help – good communication is essential.