1. What drives you to wake up each morning and contribute your best to Airframe Designs?

I am driven by the opportunity to learn and develop my skills each day, working alongside professionals within the field. Everything that I can learn now will help me to become more confident within my career progression, and this motivates me to show up and give 100 percent each day.

2. How do you kick-start your day?

I start my day by prioritizing and organizing my tasks for the day. Gaining clarity on the tasks ahead and the order they should be done helps me stay focused and efficient.

3. What efforts are you making personally to help with climate change?

I make a conscious effort to continually reduce my personal impacts on climate change. This includes minimizing my overall waste by utilizing reusable items. An example of this is my reusable water bottle which I use rather than single use plastic water bottles.

4. How do you prioritise and manage your mental and physical health?

I manage my mental and physical health first by having a healthy work life balance. I am aware that having a good mental health is just as important as my physical health which is why I take some measures to ensure that both of these are up to scratch. First, I ensure that I stay organized within the work place to avoid being overwhelmed and make more time for activates like exercise etc. Additionally, I make and set realistic goals taking everything one step at a time and not getting carried away.

5. Of the four company values (Customer Focus, Team Work, Integrity, Innovation) which one do you consider most frequently?

While I believe all four values are important, I tend to focus the most on teamwork. Being an apprentice, I think that speaking and learning from my colleagues is so important. While integrity, costumer focus and innovation are also extremely important, I believe that teamwork is the value that brings the rest together.

6. Who is your favourite comedian?

Ricky Gervais

Adam Snelson, Apprentice Design Engineer.