AFD staff took to the track to pit their wits against each other in an intense evening of go karting, where every second counted, and where only one person could reign supreme and claim the title of AFD’s fastest employee.

Hosted by FormulaKart on Blackpool’s promenade, the AFD team had a fantastic evening battling the elements, wrestling the twin-engine karts round the twists and turns and trying not to end up in the tyres; a feat harder than it sounds.

The weather was touch and go, and the organisers were keen to get the team out on to the track as soon as possible, as the skies looked ominous and rain was a distinct possibility.

With the safety briefing complete, overalls on, and helmets at the ready, they were ready to go.

In the end though, the sun came out, the event ran smoothly, and the team were able to complete practice, qualifying, and a dramatic final race in the confines of the repurposed historic Blackpool site; what was once an old boating pool, originally built by Blackpool Council in the 1920’s.

Top prize went to Mohammed Seedat, one of AFD’s Design Engineers, winning the event and claiming the much sought after bragging rights. Well done Mo!

CEO Jerrod remarked “This event was organised to get the team together to celebrate our performance in the first quarter of 2023. It’s a great way of building relationships across the team and I was especially pleased to reach the final, ahead of some stiff competition!

Many thanks to Jerrod for organising, to FormulaKart for putting on a great evening of racing, and to all staff who got in the driving seat, put their foot down, and made it a thoroughly entertaining ordeal.